
Årsmöte med Föreningen Folkmusikfesten i Stjärnsund!
Tid: Söndag 23 mars kl 15
Plats: Stora herrgården
Varmt välkommen!

Welcome to the Stjärnsund Folk Music Festival!

On the first weekend of August each year, something special happens in the Stjärnsund area … The local cafés stock up on coffee. Everyone puts on their dancing shoes and warms up their voices. Guitars get dusted off, violins tuned and bows tightened. It’s time for the Stjärnsund Folk Music Festival – a weekend filled to bursting with musical activities and events.

There’s something for everyone at the Folk Music Festival. During the weekend you can go to concerts, take a swing around the dance floor, go to a fiddlers’ meet, jam with other musicians, learn some new tunes and songs, listen to the improvised jam sessions or perhaps take the chance to try that instrument you’ve always wanted to learn to play. Or why not try everything?

The organising committee of the Stjärnsund Folk Music Festival wants folk music to be more than just a summer phenomenon. We aim to contribute to the local music scene and cultural landscape in several ways - that’s why we’re active all year round. Recurring events, apart from the Folk Music Festival, are the  Midwinter Fiddlers’ Meets which is held each year between Christmas and New Year, and the  fiddling group called Korsmora spelmän which meets in Stjärnsund every second week.